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MYP general grade descriptors

-To arrive at a total for each criterion, teachers make a determination of how the student performed to date on each criterion using the "best fit" model, looking for growth over time. When a final score is determined for each criterion, they are added together for an overall score and converted using the grade boundaries published by the IB (see below)






-Schools using the MYP 1–7 scale should use the grade boundary guidelines table (see below) that follows to determine final grades in each year of the MYP. The table provides a means of converting the criterion levels total into a grade based on a scale of 1–7.


-These scores and their descriptors will appear on your child's report card for each subject at the end of each trimester at The Magellan International School.


-The second trimester score will represent growth over the first two trimesters. The final score at the end of the year will  represent growth over the entire year.

Criterion A         Criterion B      Criterion C     Criterion D        TOTAL     
          6                       5                        6                      4                21 = 5      


Understanding MYP
Scoring and Reporting

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